Halichondria (Halichondria) panicea (Pallas, 1766)
Breadcumb sponge - Broodspons
Neeltje Jans - Getijdenpoel, the Netherlands, 17-12-2011. Specimens A.Neeltje Jans - Getijdenpoel, the Netherlands, 1-12-2018. Yellow and greenish specimens. Orange specimen not identified.
Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 17-10-2018.
Watervalletje, the Netherlands, 9-10-2017.
Wolphaartsdijk - Zuidvlietpolderweg, the Netherlands, 15-10-2019.**
Springersdiep, the Netherlands, 11-8-2022.
Dreischor - A. de Oude'sweg, the Netherlands, 17-9-2017.
Wemeldinge - haven, the Netherlands, 13-8-2022.
Slikken van Viane, the Netherlands, 1-9-2018.
Gorishoek, the Netherlands, 22-1-2011.
Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 19-7-2016.
Wemeldinge - haven, the Netherlands, 12-8-2017.**
Dreischor - A. de Oude'sweg, the Netherlands, 17-9-2017.
Slikken van Flakkee, the Netherlands, 28-8-2024.
Slikken van Flakkee, the Netherlands, 28-8-2024.
* Identification confirmed by Rob van Soest (18-11-2019).
** Identification confirmed by studying its spicules by Mikkel Suijker.