12 January 2025

Aplysilla rubra - Flesh sponge - Lobjesspons

Aplysilla rubra  (Hanitsch, 1890)


Synonym: Halisarca rubra, Oscarella rubra

Strijenham, the Netherlands, 14-2-2023.

Strijenham, the Netherlands, 14-2-2023.

Gorishoek, the Netherlands, 2-4-2022. Specimens A (right) and B (left).

Gorishoek, the Netherlands, 2-4-2022. Specimen A.

Gorishoek, the Netherlands, 2-4-2022. Specimen B.

Gorishoek, the Netherlands, 2-4-2022. Specimen B.

Gorishoek, the Netherlands, 2-4-2022. Specimen C (middle). 

Gorishoek, the Netherlands, 2-4-2022. Specimen C. 

Gorishoek, the Netherlands, 2-4-2022. Specimen C. 

Anna Friso, the Netherlands, 4-3-2022. Specimen D.

Anna Friso, the Netherlands, 4-3-2022. Specimen D.

Anna Friso, the Netherlands, 4-3-2022. Specimen D.

Bergse Diepsluis - haven, the Netherlands, 20-4-2023.

Bergse Diepsluis - haven, the Netherlands, 20-4-2023.

Jacobahaven, the Netherlands, 18-12-2012. Specimen E.

Jacobahaven, the Netherlands, 18-12-2012. Specimen E.

Dreischor - Gemaal, the Netherlands, 6-6-2019. Specimens F (both pink and yellow specimens).

Dreischor - Gemaal, the Netherlands, 6-6-2019. Specimens F.