31 October 2024

Cylista elegans var nivea

Cylista elegans var. nivea  (Dalyell, 1848)

Elegant anemone - Sierlijke slibanemoon

Synonym: Sagartia elegans 

Burghsluis - Oost, the Netherlands, 8-8-2013.

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 29-10-2014.

Putti's Place, the Netherlands, 22-5-2016.

Zeelandbrug - West, the Netherlands, 22-9-2022.

Burghsluis - Oost, the Netherlands, 8-8-2013.

Putti's Place, the Netherlands, 22-5-2016.

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 19-9-2019. Specimen A, Siamese twin.

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 19-9-2019. In vitro photo specimen A, 5-10-2019.

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 19-9-2019. In vitro photo specimen A, 5-10-2019.

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 19-9-2019. In vitro photo specimen A, 5-10-2019.