07 January 2025

Doto coronata - Crown doto - Roodgevlekte kroonslak

Doto coronata  (Gmelin, 1791)*

Crown doto - Roodgevlekte kroonslak 

Neeltje Jans - Getijdenpoel, the Netherlands, 9-4-2016. In vitro photo specimen A (left) and B (right), 13-4-2016.

Neeltje Jans - Getijdenpoel, the Netherlands, 9-4-2016. In vitro photo specimen A, L: 11 mm, 13-4-2016.

Neeltje Jans - Getijdenpoel, the Netherlands, 9-4-2016. In vitro photo specimen A, 13-4-2016.

Neeltje Jans - Getijdenpoel, the Netherlands, 9-4-2016. In vitro photo specimen B, L: 14 mm, 13-4-2016.

Neeltje Jans - Getijdenpoel, the Netherlands, 9-4-2016. Specimen A (left) and B (right), 13-4-2016.

Anna Friso, the Netherlands, 21-5-2016. In vitro photo specimen C, L: 13 mm, 23-5-2016.

Anna Friso, the Netherlands, 21-5-2016. In vitro photo specimen C, 23-5-2016.

Anna Friso, the Netherlands, 21-5-2016. In vitro photo specimen D, L: 8 mm, 23-5-2016.

Anna Friso, the Netherlands, 21-5-2016. In vitro photo specimen D, 23-5-2016.

Anna Friso, the Netherlands, 21-5-2016. In vitro photo egg string specimen C/D, 23-5-2016.

Anna Friso, the Netherlands, 21-5-2016. In vitro photo egg string specimen C/D, 23-5-2016.

Westbout, the Netherlands, 13-12-2015. In vitro photo specimen E, L: 14 mm, 15-12-2015.**

Westbout, the Netherlands, 13-12-2015. In vitro photo specimen E, 18-12-2015.

Westbout, the Netherlands, 13-12-2015. In vitro photo specimen E, 18-12-2015.

* Identification confirmed by Brendan Oonk (8-1-2025).
** Specimen collected by Luna van der Loos & Brendan Oonk.