Tergipes tergipes (Forsskål, 1775)
Despised aeolis - Slanke knotsslak
Synonym: Tergipes despectus
Westkapelle, the Netherlands, 30-8-2015. In vitro photo specimen A, L: 5 mm, 31-8-2015.Westkapelle, the Netherlands, 29-4-2017. In vitro photo, L: 6 mm, 2-5-2017.Blokkendam, the Netherlands, 5-5-2018. In vitro photo specimens B, 8-5-2018.
Blokkendam, the Netherlands, 5-5-2018. In vitro photo, one of specimens B, 8-5-2018.
Westkapelle, the Netherlands, 30-8-2015. In vitro photo specimen A, 31-8-2015.
Blokkendam, the Netherlands, 6-5-2018. In vitro photo, 18-5-2018.