20 November 2024

Aeolidiella glauca - Orange-brown aeolid - Kleine vlokslak

Aeolidiella glauca  (Alder & Hancock, 1845)

Orange-brown aeolid - Kleine vlokslak

Dreischor - Gemaal, the Netherlands, 25-3-2020. In vitro photo specimen A, L: 33 mm, 6-4-2020.

Dreischor - Gemaal, the Netherlands, 25-3-2020. In vitro photo specimen A, 6-4-2020.

Dreischor - Gemaal, the Netherlands, 25-3-2020. In vitro photo specimen A, 6-4-2020.

Dreischor - Gemaal, the Netherlands, 25-3-2020. In vitro photo specimen A, 6-4-2020.

Dreischor - Gemaal, the Netherlands, 25-3-2020. In vitro photo specimen A, 6-4-2020.

Dreischor - Gemaal, the Netherlands, 25-3-2020. In vitro photo specimen B, L: 20 mm, 6-4-2020.

Dreischor - Gemaal, the Netherlands, 25-3-2020. In vitro photo specimen B, 6-4-2020.

Dreischor - Gemaal, the Netherlands, 25-3-2020. In vitro photo specimen A (top) and B (bottom), 6-4-2020.

Dreischor - Gemaal, the Netherlands, 25-3-2020. In vitro photo specimen A (left) and B (right), 6-4-2020.

Dreischor - Gemaal, the Netherlands, 25-3-2020. In vitro photo specimen A (right) and B (left), 6-4-2020.

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 4-2-2006. In vitro photo, 4-2-2006.

Dreischor - Kokrif, the Netherlands, 29-4-2020.

Dreischor - Kokrif, the Netherlands, 29-4-2020.

Goudzwaardweg, the Netherlands, 6-4-2012. With Aeolidia filomenae (Gekrulde vlokslak) in the middle, probably preying on Cylista troglodytes (Mud sagartia - Gewone slibanemoon).

Dreischor - Kokrif, the Netherlands, 14-7-2014. Crop of next photo.

Dreischor - Kokrif, the Netherlands, 14-7-2014.

Hfarsfjord - south, Norway, 13-7-2023.

Hfarsfjord - south, Norway, 13-7-2023.

Hfarsfjord - south, Norway, 13-7-2023.