13 August 2024

Anthopleura michaelseni - Long-tentacled anemone

Anthopleura michaelseni  (Pax, 1920) 

Long-tentacled anemone

Miller's Point, False Bay, South Africa, 6-12-2006. In vitro photo specimen A, 13-1-2007*. 

Miller's Point, False Bay, South Africa, 6-12-2006. Specimen A.

Miller's Point, False Bay, South Africa, 6-12-2006. In vitro photo specimen A, 24-7-2007. 

Miller's Point, False Bay, South Africa, 6-12-2006. In vitro photo specimen A, 21-7-2014.

Miller's Point, False Bay, South Africa, 6-12-2006.

Castle Rock, False Bay, South Africa, 7-12-2006.

Castle Rock, False Bay, South Africa, 2-12-2006.

Miller's Point, False Bay, South Africa, 6-12-2006.

Miller's Point, False Bay, South Africa, 6-12-2006.

The A Frame, Simon's Town, South Africa, In vitro photo 22-12-2013.**

* I kept specimen A in my aquarium from 14-12-2006 to 11-8-2024.
** I kept this specimen in my aquarium from 24-1-2013 to 27-5-2019.