29 July 2024

Cyanea lamarckii - Blue jellyfish - Blauwe haarkwal

Cyanea lamarckii  PĂ©ron & Lesueur, 1810

Blue jellyfish - Blauwe haarkwal

Lamorna Cove, United Kingdom, 28-5-2018. Specimen A with Merlangius merlangius (Whiting - Wijting).

Lamorna Cove, United Kingdom, 28-5-2018. Specimen A with Merlangius merlangius (Whiting - Wijting).

Lamorna Cove, United Kingdom, 28-5-2018. Specimen A. 

Isleornsay, Bay of Ornsay, Scotland, 29-8-2007.

Westkapelle, the Netherlands, 8-4-2014.

Zoetersbout, the Netherlands, 23-4-2014. Captured by Hemigrapsus takanoi (Brush-clawed shore crab - Penseelkrab).

Burghsluis - Oost, the Netherlands, 19-4-2018. Captured by Tubularia indivisa (Oaten pipe hydroid - Penneschaft).

Westenschouwen, the Netherlands, 8-4-2010. 

Westenschouwen, the Netherlands, 8-4-2010.