02 December 2023

Dictyota dichotoma - Brown fan weed - Gaffelwier

Dictyota dichotoma  (Hudson) J.V. Lamouroux, 1809

Brown fan weed - Gaffelwier

Blokkendam, the Netherlands, 27-9-2017.

Lamorna Cove, United Kingdom, 28-5-2018.

Saint John’s Point, Killultan, Ireland, 25-7-2011. Specimen A.

Saint John’s Point, Killultan, Ireland, 25-7-2011. Specimen A.

Portrush, Northern-Ireland, United Kingdom, 15-7-2011.

Watervalletje, the Netherlands, 3-11-2015.

Neeltje Jans - Getijdenpoel, the Netherlands, 19-10-2020.