12 October 2023

Liocarcinus vernalis - Grey swimming crab - Grijze zwemkrab

Liocarcinus vernalis  (Risso, 1827)

Grey swimming crab - Grijze zwemkrab

Westhinder - Oosthinder bank, North Sea - Belgium*, 16-8-2023. In vitro photo specimen A, dead male crab (probably deceased by dredging), carapace width 34 mm, with Electra pilosa (Hairy sea-mat - Harig kantmosdiertje) and remnants of Ectopleura larynx (Flower head polyp - Gorgelpijppoliep), 23-8-2023.

Westhinder - Oosthinder bank, North Sea - Belgium*, 16-8-2023. In vitro photo specimen A, 23-8-2023.

Westhinder - Oosthinder bank, North Sea - Belgium*, 16-8-2023. In vitro photo specimen A, with Electra pilosa (Hairy sea-mat - Harig kantmosdiertje), 23-8-2023. Click here for detail Electra.

Strada Costiera, Trieste, Italy, 5-9-2017. In vitro photo specimen B, juvenile, carapace width 10 mm, 5-9-2017.

Strada Costiera, Trieste, Italy, 5-9-2017. In vitro photo specimen B, 5-9-2017.

Strada Costiera, Trieste, Italy, 5-9-2017. In vitro photo specimen B, 5-9-2017.

Strada Costiera, Trieste, Italy, 5-9-2017. In vitro photo specimen B, 6-9-2017.

Den Osse - Nieuwe Kerkweg, the Netherlands, 13-6-2023. Specimen C.

Den Osse - Nieuwe Kerkweg, the Netherlands, 13-6-2023. Specimen C.

Den Osse - Nieuwe Kerkweg, the Netherlands, 13-6-2023. Specimen D.

Den Osse - Nieuwe Kerkweg, the Netherlands, 13-6-2023. Specimen D.

Den Osse - Nieuwe Kerkweg, the Netherlands, 13-6-2023. Specimen D.

Den Osse - Nieuwe Kerkweg, the Netherlands, 13-6-2023. Specimen D.

Brouwersdam - Noord, the Netherlands, 23-9-2023. In vitro photo female specimen E (underneath male), 26-12-2023.

Brouwersdam - Noord, the Netherlands, 23-9-2023. In vitro photo female specimen E, 18-2-2024.

* Collected with the VLIZ research vessel RV Simon Stevin, beam trawl track 1, coordinates: start 51° 30.360’ N – 2° 39.047’ E - stop 51° 31.539’ N – 2° 39.384’ E