Hormathia coronata (Gosse, 1858)
Crown anemone - Kroontjesanemoon
Westhinder - Oosthinder bank, North Sea - Belgium (1), 16-8-2023. In vitro photo specimen A on Alcyonidium diaphanum (original), diameter foot 18 mm, 18-8-2023.Westhinder - Oosthinder bank, North Sea - Belgium (1), 16-8-2023. In vitro photo specimen A on Alcyonidium diaphanum (original), 23-8-2023.
Westhinder - Oosthinder bank, North Sea - Belgium (1), 16-8-2023. In vitro photo specimen A, 18-8-2023.
Westhinder - Oosthinder bank, North Sea - Belgium (2), 16-8-2023. In vitro photo specimen B, diameter foot 20 mm, 23-8-2023.
Westhinder - Oosthinder bank, North Sea - Belgium (2), 16-8-2023. In vitro photo specimen B, 18-8-2023.
North Sea - the Netherlands (3), around 9-1-2023. In vitro photo specimen C with a few young specimens, 4-2-2023.
(1) Collected with the VLIZ research vessel RV Simon Stevin, beam trawl track 2, coordinates: start 51° 32.121’ N – 2° 38.534’ E - stop 51º 33.415’ N – 2° 38.663’ E
(2) Collected with the VLIZ research vessel RV Simon Stevin, beam trawl track 1, coordinates: start 51° 30.360’ N – 2° 39.047’ E - stop 51° 31.539’ N – 2° 39.384’ E
(3) Collected by a Dutch fishing vessel, coordinates: 51º 85.724' N - 2º 70.026' E