08 June 2023

Lineus longissimus - Bootlace worm - Reuzensnoerworm

Lineus longissimus  (Gunnerus, 1770)

Bootlace worm - Reuzensnoerworm 

(syn. Schoenveterworm)

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 19-3-2011. Specimen A.

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 19-3-2011. Specimen A.

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 19-3-2011. Specimen A.

Watervalletje, the Netherlands, 3-11-2015.

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 24-3-2007.

Kats, the Netherlands, 12-11-2011.

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 19-3-2011.

Slikken van Flakkee, the Netherlands, 25-3-2010. Eggstring encircling Cylista undata (Kleine slibanemoon).