25 June 2023

Aplidium glabrum - Glanzende bolzakpijp

Aplidium glabrum  (Verrill, 1871)

Glanzende bolzakpijp

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 17-9-2012. Specimens left and right.

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 17-9-2012. Detail of specimen at the right in previous photo. 

Blokkendam, the Netherlands, 27-9-2017. Specimen bottom half. Specimen upper half: Didemnum vexillum.

Wemeldinge - haven, the Netherlands, 12-8-2017. Specimens in the middle.

Wemeldinge - haven, the Netherlands, 26-8-2016. Specimen in the middle.

Neeltje Jans - getijdepoel, the Netherlands, 2-7-2011. Glossy specimen bottom right.

Wemeldinge - haven, the Netherlands, 13-8-2005.