Porcellana platycheles (Pennant, 1777)
Broad-clawed porcelain crab - Harige porseleinkrab
Neeltje Jans - getijdenpoel, the Netherlands, 14-6-2014. In vitro photo specimen A, female with eggs, carapace width 8mm.
Neeltje Jans - getijdenpoel, the Netherlands, 14-6-2014. In vitro photo specimen A, female with eggs.
Neeltje Jans - getijdenpoel, the Netherlands, 14-6-2014. In vitro photo specimen A, female with eggs.
Goudzwaardweg, the Netherlands, 9-6-2014.
Goese Sas, the Netherlands, 30-10-2013.
Kats, the Netherlands, 12-11-2011.
Neeltje Jans - getijdenpoel, the Netherlands, 4-6-2019. Juvenile specimen.
Vuilnisbelt, the Netherlands, 20-7-2020. Juvenile specimens with - among other species - juvenile Galathea squamifera, Amphipholis squamata, Spirorbis spec., tube of Bispira polyomma.
Neeltje Jans - getijdenpoel, the Netherlands, 4-6-2019.