Eulalia viridis (Linnaeus, 1767)
Green leaf worm - Groene bladkieuwworm
Kats, the Netherlands, 13-2-2021. In vitro photo specimen A, L: 29mm, 17-2-2021.
Kats, the Netherlands, 13-2-2021. In vitro photo specimen A, 17-2-2021.
Kats, the Netherlands, 13-2-2021. In vitro photo specimen A, 17-2-2021.
Oranjemolen, Vlissingen, the Netherlands, 9-4-2020. In vitro photo specimen B, L: 72mm, 14-4-2020.
Oranjemolen, Vlissingen, the Netherlands, 9-4-2020. In vitro photo specimen B, 14-4-2020.
Kerpape, France, 16-5-2012. In vitro photo, 17-5-2012.
Anna Friso, the Netherlands, 4-2-2017. In vitro photo specimen C, 14-2-2017.