10 January 2022

Apomatus similis

Apomatus similis  Marion & Bobretzky, 1875

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 19-11-2016. In vitro specimen A, 21-11-2016.

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 19-11-2016. In vitro specimen A, 21-11-2016.

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 19-11-2016. In vitro specimen B, length worm 'stretched' 10mm, 21-11-2016.

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 19-11-2016. In vitro specimen B, 21-11-2016.

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 19-11-2016. In vitro specimen B, 21-11-2016.

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 19-11-2016. In vitro specimen B, 21-11-2016.

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 19-11-2016. In vitro photo specimen C, tube (bottom) length 7mm, 26-11-2016.

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 19-11-2016. Including specimen A, B and C.