30 December 2021

Marphysa sanguinea - Red-gilled marphysa - Bloedworm

Marphysa sanguinea  (Montagu, 1813)

Red-gilled marphysa - Bloedworm 

Gorishoek, the Netherlands, 9-5-2020. In vitro photo specimen A, diameter at its widest 4mm, 11-5-2020.

Gorishoek, the Netherlands, 9-5-2020. In vitro photo specimen A, 11-5-2020.

Gorishoek, the Netherlands, 9-5-2020. In vitro photo specimen A, 11-5-2020.

Gorishoek, the Netherlands, 9-5-2020. In vitro photo specimen A, 11-5-2020.

Gorishoek, the Netherlands, 9-5-2020. Specimen A.

Gorishoek, the Netherlands, 9-5-2020. Specimen A.