10 May 2021

Boccardiella hamata - Silttunnelworm - Slibgangworm

Boccardiella hamata (Webster, 1879)

Silttunnelworm - Slibgangworm

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 20-1-2020. In vitro photo specimen A.

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 20-1-2020. In vitro photo specimen A.

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 20-1-2020. In vitro photo specimen A.

Anna Friso, the Netherlands, 8-2-2017. In vitro photo of specimen missing tail end, L: 10 mm.

Kats, the Netherlands, 20-12-2016. In vitro photo of specimen B missing tail end, L: 15 mm.

Kats, the Netherlands, 20-12-2016. In vitro photo of specimen B.

Kats, the Netherlands, 20-12-2016. In vitro photo of specimen B.

Kats, the Netherlands, 20-12-2016. In vitro photo of specimen B.

Kats, the Netherlands, 20-12-2016. 

Kats, the Netherlands, 20-12-2016.