10 April 2021

Pseudopolydora paucibranchiata - Stippeltweedraadkokerworm

Pseudopolydora paucibranchiata (Okuda, 1937)


Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 6-10-2016. In vitro photo 12-10-2016.

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 6-10-2016. In vitro photo, specimen L: 13 mm, 9-10-2016.

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 6-10-2016. In vitro photo 12-10-2016.

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 6-10-2016. In vitro photo specimen, L: 13 mm, 12-10-2016.

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 6-10-2016. In vitro photo specimen, L: 13 mm, 9-10-2016.

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 6-10-2016. In vitro photo specimen with amputated palps and 5 instead of 4 eye cells, 12-10-2016.

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 6-10-2016. In vitro photo 12-10-2016.

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 6-10-2016. In vitro photo 12-10-2016.

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 6-10-2016. In vitro photo 12-10-2016.

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 26-9-2016. 

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 22-10-2016. 

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 22-10-2016. 

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 22-10-2016. 

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 25-10-2016. 

Triƫste, Italy, 4-9-2016. With Ilia nucleus.