27 March 2021

Sthenelais boa - Boa-shaped keelworm - Reuzenzeerups

Sthenelais boa (Johnston, 1833)

Boa-shaped keelworm - Reuzenzeerups

Neeltje Jans - Getijdenpoel, the Netherlands,  4-6-2019. In vitro photo 8-6-2019. Specimen A, L: 77mm, D: 4.1mm.

Neeltje Jans - Getijdenpoel, the Netherlands,  4-6-2019. In vitro photo 8-6-2019. Specimen A.

Neeltje Jans - Getijdenpoel, the Netherlands,  4-6-2019. In vitro photo 8-6-2019. Tail of specimen A.

Neeltje Jans - Getijdenpoel, the Netherlands,  4-6-2019. In vitro photo 8-6-2019. Specimen A.

Goudzwaardweg, the Netherlands, 4-6-2016. In vitro photo 8-6-2016. Near dead, specimen B.

Goudzwaardweg, the Netherlands, 4-6-2016. In vitro photo 8-6-2016. Near dead, specimen B.

Goudzwaardweg, the Netherlands, 4-6-2016. In vitro photo 8-6-2016. Near dead, specimen B showing eggs.

Goudzwaardweg, the Netherlands, 4-6-2016. In vitro photo 8-6-2016. Near dead, specimen B losing scales and hairs.

Goudzwaardweg, the Netherlands, 4-6-2016. In vitro photo 8-6-2016. Scale of specimen B.

Goudzwaardweg, the Netherlands, 4-6-2016. In vitro photo 8-6-2016. Scale of specimen B.

Goudzwaardweg, the Netherlands, 4-6-2016. In vitro photo 8-6-2016. Scale of specimen B.

Goudzwaardweg, the Netherlands, 4-6-2016. Montage of 14 different in vitro photo's of scales of specimen B, 8-6-2016. Artwork In Vitro 10 - Ontbinding.

Zeelandbrug, the Netherlands, 20-3-2020. Carcinus maenas eating S. boa.