01 February 2021

Amphipholis squamata - Dwarf brittle star - Levendbarende slangster

Amphipholis squamata (Delle Chiaje, 1828)

Dwarf brittle star - Levendbarende slangster

Neeltje Jans - getijdenpoel, the Netherlands, 11-2-2015. In vitro photo specimen A, 10 mm (tip tentacle to tip tentacle), 17-2-2015.

Neeltje Jans - getijdenpoel, the Netherlands, 11-2-2015. In vitro photo specimen A, 17-2-2015.

Kats, the Netherlands, 28-12-2019. In vitro photo specimen B, 19 mm (tip tentacle to tip tentacle) showing the flexibility of its arms, 20-1-2020.

Kats, the Netherlands, 28-12-2019. In vitro photo specimen B, 20-1-2020.

Kats, the Netherlands, 28-12-2019. In vitro photo specimen B, 20-1-2020.

Vuilnisbelt, the Netherlands, 20-7-2020.