15 October 2024

Introduction / Introductie

On this site you find my photo's of marine fauna and flora. Each species has its own page with photo's. Use the main pages in the right column to choose a certain group of marine life (phylum, class, order etc.). Or use the search engine to look for the scientific or vernacular name (to search on your mobile phone: scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'view web version').

By now its only a limited number of species, but many will follow soon. Only of the phylum, class or order where a species is posted, you will find an (overview)page in the right column.

For more about the photography, click here. Enjoy watching!

Do not forget to click the photo's on the pages for a larger view.

Op deze site vind je mijn foto's van mariene fauna en flora. Iedere soort heeft een eigen pagina met foto's. Gebruik de hoofdpagina's in de rechter kolom om een keuze te maken voor een bepaalde groep zeedieren of - wieren (stam, klasse, orde etc.). Of zoek op naam; ook de Nederlandse naam van de soort is opgenomen, althans voorzover die bestaat. Gebruik je een mobiele telefoon: klik dan onderaan de pagina 'view web version aan'.

Er staat nog maar een beperkt aantal soorten op, maar er zullen er snel veel volgen. Alleen van de stam, klasse of orde waar een soort is opgenomen, vind je in de rechterkolom een (overzichts)pagina.

Informatie over de fotografie vind je hier. Veel kijkplezier!

Vergeet op de pagina's niet op de foto's te klikken voor een grotere weergave.

Symphodus melops - Corkwing wrasse - Zwartooglipvis

Symphodus melops  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Corkwing wrasse - Zwartooglipvis 

Ballachulish, Scotland, 5-7-2017. Specimen A.

Ballachulish, Scotland, 5-7-2017. Specimen A.

Kattendijke, the Netherlands, 29-11-2003. In vitro photo 20-5-2007.

Labrus viridis - Green wrasse - Groene lipvis

Labrus viridis  Linnaeus, 1758

Green wrasse - Groene lipvis

Plage del Forat, Port Vendres, France, 31-8-2021. Specimen A at night dive.

Plage del Forat, Port Vendres, France, 31-8-2021. Specimen A at night dive.

Golf du Morbihan, France, 2008. In vitro photo juvenile, 24-5-2009. 

Golf du Morbihan, France, 2010. In vitro photo specimen B, 5-5-2011. 

Golf du Morbihan, France, 2010. In vitro photo specimen B, 5-5-2011. 

Golf du Morbihan, France, 2010. In vitro photo juvenile specimen C, 5-5-2011. 

Golf du Morbihan, France, 2010. In vitro photo juvenile specimen C, 5-5-2011. 

14 October 2024

Labrus mixtus - Cuckoo wrasse - Koekoekslipvis

Labrus mixtus  Linnaeus, 1758

Cuckoo wrasse - Koekoekslipvis

Jåsund - lloga, Norway, 16-7-2023. Male. Background digitally altered.

Torsvik, Kristansand, Norway, 20-7-2023. Female (in progress of becoming male?). Background digitally altered.

Porthkerris, United Kingdom, 5-9-2014. Specimen A, female.

Porthkerris, United Kingdom, 5-9-2014. Specimen A, female.

Saint John’s Point, Killultan, Ireland, 27-7-2011. Specimen B, female.

Saint John’s Point, Killultan, Ireland, 27-7-2011. Specimen B, female.

Saint John’s Point, Killultan, Ireland, 27-7-2011. Specimen B, female with Galathea strigosa (Spinous squat lobster - Bonte galathea) and Trisopterus minutus (Poor cod - Dwergbolk).

13 October 2024

Coris julis - Rainbow wrasse - Girelle

Coris julis  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Rainbow wrasse - Girelle

Selce - house reef, Croatia, 28-8-2017. Specimen A, male in Mediterranean terminal phase dress.

Selce - house reef, Croatia, 28-8-2017. Specimen A.

Selce - house reef, Croatia, 28-8-2017. Specimen A.

Tamariu - housereef, Costa Brava, Spain, 31-5-2015. Male specimen in Mediterranean terminal phase dress.

Cala Nova reef - Tamariu, Spain, 4-6-2015. Male specimen in Mediterranean terminal phase dress.

Selce - house reef, Croatia, 12-9-2016. Male specimen in Mediterranean terminal phase dress.

Tamariu - housereef, Costa Brava, Spain, 31-5-2015. Young specimen.

Tamariu - housereef, Costa Brava, Spain, 5-6-2015. Young specimen.

Tamariu - housereef, Costa Brava, Spain, 5-6-2015. Young specimen.

Tamariu - housereef, Costa Brava, Spain, 5-6-2015. Young specimen.

Selce - house reef, Croatia, 16-9-2016. Young specimen.

Tamariu - housereef, Costa Brava, Spain, 31-5-2015. Young specimen.

11 October 2024

Symphodus mediterraneus - Axillary wrasse - Middellandse-Zeelipvis

Symphodus mediterraneus  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Axillary wrasse - Middellandse-Zeelipvis

Tamariu - housereef, Costa Brava, Spain, 5-6-2015. Specimen A, male.

Tamariu - housereef, Costa Brava, Spain, 5-6-2015. Specimen A, male.

Madonne de le Grazie, Elba, Italy, 3-9-2019. 

Symphodus tinca - Peacock wrasse - Pauwlipvis

Symphodus tinca  (Linnaeus, 1758)

Peacock wrasse - Pauwlipvis

Selce - house reef, Croatia, 14-9-2016. Specimen A, male in terminal phase pattern at night.

Selce - house reef, Croatia, 14-9-2016. Specimen A, male in terminal phase pattern at night.

Selce - house reef, Croatia, 14-9-2016. Specimen B, young in dark-tail colour pattern at night.

Selce - house reef, Croatia, 14-9-2016. Specimen B, young in dark-tail colour pattern at night (with not yet identified shrimp). 

Tamariu - housereef, Costa Brava, Spain, 4-6-2015. Specimen C in standard colour pattern.

Tamariu - housereef, Costa Brava, Spain, 4-6-2015. Specimen C in standard colour pattern.

Plage del Forat, Port Vendres, France, 30-8-2021. Specimen D in standard colour pattern at night.

Plage del Forat, Port Vendres, France, 30-8-2021. Specimen D in standard colour pattern at night.

Strada Costiera, Trieste, Italy, 4-9-2023. Specimen in standard colour pattern at night.

Tamariu - housereef, Costa Brava, Spain, 31-5-2015. Young with uniform-beige colour form.

Symphodus roissali - Five-spotted wrasse - Vijfvleklipvis

Symphodus roissali  (Risso, 1810)

Five-spotted wrasse - Vijfvleklipvis

Tamariu - housereef, Costa Brava, Spain, 1-6-2015. Specimen A, male.

Tamariu - housereef, Costa Brava, Spain, 1-6-2015. Specimen A, male.